Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dinner Co-op

Hey Girls!
At the last freezer meal exchange the idea of a dinner swap co-op came up. I have done some research and some thinking....and would really like to do this. I am looking for 2 or 3 other people to do it with. If you are at all interested making one meal a week, then having 2 or 3 hot meals brought to your door please contact me or leave a comment on this post and I will contact you. I would love to be able to start maybe next week so let me know soon.
p.s. It wouldn't have to be long term. We could check it out for a week or two and see if we like it, then we could also take time off during the holidays if needed. Just some "food for thought".


1 comment:

  1. I would love, love, love to do this!! I used to be in one when I was in Meridian & loved it! My family is quite a bit bigger than yours so I'm not sure how that would work but if we could work something out and get some other people interested I would like to do it!


